Senior leaders and ministers have the crucial role of leading and covering their congregations. Still, the need for spiritual covering, mentorship, shared practical resources, and fellowship is a critical element of church growth and sustained strength. No man is an island, and we understand every church within our fellowship has its unique part in the Body of Christ. With that, we believe together in the unity of spirit, relationship, and spiritual hunger, we will see a move of God and societal impact through our affiliated churches.
Worship and prayer are the central components of our fellowship. Networking with the saints is resourceful, but resources without spirituality make us socially responsible and can lead to spiritual irrelevance. We feel we cant profoundly impact our community without dedication to those spiritual antidotes of prayer and fasting. We desire to replicate the model of the church in Antioch, a church committed to prayer and, from prayer, sends out its leaders to transform society for Christ. Our method of doing this is through community prayer, teaching, and seminar on topics such as prophetic ministry, the importance of intercession, apostolic teams, and much more.
Our fellowship is not just globally aware but globally active. Jesus’s final command to his disciples was to “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Our fellowship finds that scripture as literal and not figurative. The Kingdom of God can’t be constrained to borders. We are committed to two international trips yearly through our sending international apostolic network(KGAN). In addition, we are committed to supporting our churches and ministries abroad. We ask our churches to support our global initiatives through prayer, international missions trips, publicizing our work, and financial support.
In our local community we understand the important role the local church must play. Our headquarters church is involved in weekly feedings, homeless ministry and much more. We want to assist our fellowship churches in resourcing their communities that fill voids that only the church can heal.
Marriage is a pillar of our society instituted by God and is a Christian rite of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Strong marriages within society are a crucial component of the strength of the universal church in our world. Our fellowship places focus on strengthening marriages amongst affiliated clergy because we understand the challenges of marriage while remaining devoted to serving the Lord’s church and the community. These challenges often lead to familial strain, ministry challenges, and separation or divorce. Our commitment is simple, to walk with affiliated leaders in their journey by providing support, strategies, encouragement as a resource to its members. We are committed to being a fellowship of example in maintaining and protecting the sanity of marriage in the church and the world.
Meet our Presiding Bishop

Bishop Eugene Taylor Jr.

Bishop Eugene Taylor is the founder of The Lord’s House Kingdom Church located in Conyers, Georgia. In addition, he is the Apostle and Presiding Prelate of the Kingdom Assemblies Fellowship International. BishopTaylor also serves as the CEO of Conyers Hope Inc. This outreach ministry explicitly targets the community’s needs, including feeding the homeless, transitional housing, assistance with rental evictions, foreclosure prevention, domestic violence shelter, and counseling of various types.
Presiding Bishop Taylor is an Apostle carrying a current and relevant word of God and was affirmed into the apostolic ministry ten years ago. With almost 25 years of ministry experience, he has a passion for seeing people empowered and awakened to their God-ordained destiny. Being a firm believer in the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth as a tangible reality has been his passion for many years.
People are essential to Bishop Taylor, and their everyday lives are of great significance. His heart and mission are to make all people understand that there is HOPE.
He has been married to his lovely wife and Co-Pastor Diane for thirty-two years, and they have two sons and a daughter, Tavaris, Travis, and Eva, respectively.
Leadership of Fellowship